About me
I am a motivated and determined entry-level developer pursuing a career in technology. Recently graduated in Computer Programming with a GPA of 3.9/4.0, I am excited to be starting my journey in the tech world. I love learning new things and can't wait to use what I know to solve real problems and improve as a developer every day.
Check out my journey below to see my path so far!
Curious Beginnings: A Passion for Learning
Ever since I was a little kid, I've always loved learning new things. I was such a curious little one! I even turned playtime with my sister into "school time," and that's how I learned to read and write before I even started going to school. With the support of my awesome mom and a bit of bravery, I joined first grade with kids who were a year older than me, and I even finished high school when I was just 16 years old. That was a pretty cool start, showing that you can totally grow and achieve things when you believe in yourself.
And you know what else? In my teenage years, I taught myself how to play the drums and guitar.
Embracing Change and New Opportunities
When I turned 17, I stepped out of my comfort zone and moved to a new city to study. It was a bit of a challenge, living on my own, taking care of my little apartment, handling grown-up responsibilities, and even getting my first job as a BackOffice assistant, where I got to review contracts and enter orders. But that experience made me stronger, and after almost two years, I decided to head back to my hometown to save up some money and keep on with my studies.
It was during this time that I had the opportunity to work at the Municipal Council of Tucunduva for five years, where I developed essential skills for the administrative field, such as document organization, contract management, attention to detail, and communication.
After 5 years, an opportunity knocked on my door to learn about SAP and become a consultant, so I went to São Paulo to study it. But sometimes, you have to change things and even though I had to adjust my plans, I stayed motivated and headed to Ireland with my husband to learn English and explore new paths.
Reinvention and A Journey to Technology
Ireland was such a wild ride! We had to deal with the language barrier and the challenges of being immigrants, but we didn't let that stop us. To save some cash, I taught myself how to cut my husband's hair by watching YouTube videos, and this unexpected skill turned into a whole new job for me – I worked as a barber for three years, reinventing myself again.
Then, we got the European citizenship, and that opened up new opportunities for us. I landed this great job as an SAP Support in Dublin, and I got to structure processes and optimize incident management. It was a crazy learning experience, but I totally fell in love with the world of tech.
That experience totally ignited my passion for technology. I was so curious and eager to grow, so I decided to make an even bigger move – we packed up and headed to Canada, where I started this wild journey into the programming universe. It wasn't easy, but I gave it my all, determined to soak up as much knowledge as I could and reach new heights in my career as a developer.
Each step I've taken on my journey has kind of molded me into the person I am today. I don't regret trying out different paths at all, because each one taught me something new and made me even stronger. It also gave me the confidence to always give 100% in everything I do.
These days, I'm still all about growing and carving out my own spot in the world of programming. My main focus is building up my career as a developer, trying out new ideas, and creating cool solutions. Whenever a new challenge comes my way, I'm always ready to tackle it with determination and tons of enthusiasm!
My Journey...
What people say about me
"Alessandra was a wonderful colleague and great worker. She took charge of her position very quickly. I could trust that she would do a top class job, as if she ever noticed anything out of the ordinary she would bring it to my attention, and seek advice. Would highly recommend her."
— Niall O'Hara, Managed me at Milner Browne
"Estudei com a Alessandra por 6 semanas na KA Solution durante o curso de SAP-CO e pude constatar o grande comprometimento e força de vontade dela em aprender e dominar as ferramentas do sistema. Tem grande capacidade analítica e perfil hands-on que possibilita desenvolver seus trabalhos de forma estruturada e lógica. Recomendo a Alessandra ao mercado de trabalho e tenho a certeza que sempre será um grande ativo para a empresa que estiver trabalhando."
— Edson Souza, studied together at KaSolution
"A Alessandra Prunzel Kitlaus foi minha colega de trabalho na condição de Assessora Legislativa na Câmara Municipal de Vereadores de Tucunduva/RS, onde, por cinco anos, desempenhou serviço público com responsabilidade, eficiência e profissionalismo. Pessoa de personalidade, dinamismo e criatividade destacando-se sempre pela ótima relação interpessoal com a equipe, assiduidade e respeito para com a hierarquia do Poder Legislativo, o que lhe é peculiar. Não havendo nenhum requisito que a desabone e, por conhecer a pessoa, a profissional e a sua qualificação, recomendo a Alessandra Prunze Kitlaus para ingresso na Empresa, Órgão, Entidade ou Poder. "
— Danilo Fagundes, Managed me at Municipal Council of Tucunduva
"Perfil arrojado, extremamente dedicada e com foco nos resultados, com um senso apurado de prioridades, buscando sempre desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional."
— Moacir Dutra Schmidt, mentored me